Well here we are again. Round two.
Yes my babies are closer together than most people plan them. But contrary to popular belief, we did plan this pregnancy. With my heart condition we have been told many times they aren't sure how many babies I'll be able to have without first having heart surgery. And that the older I get, the more likely I will need that surgery. So in preparation for this baby, doctor visits were made and tests were done. My heart is still fully functioning and was not affected by my last pregnancy. I was given the green light to get pregnant again. We also of course prayed and visited the temple as well, and felt that it was the right time. I became pregnant that first month, and here we are.
I am now almost 12 weeks. I have had an ultrasound twice at this point. The first time the baby was at the back of my uterus and they couldn't get a clear enough picture to see the size. The only thing they could see was that there was a good heartbeat, and that's really all that matters anyway. The second one they were able to measure the baby to give me a due date, February 1st, and we again saw a good, strong heartbeat.
I have already moved over into my maternity pants. I can still fit in to my other pants if I squeeze and don't button them. But honestly, who wants more pressure on their stomach than necessary when they're pregnant? Certainly not I... hence the maternity pants. Unfortunately all of my maternity clothes were all cold weather, so I had to go out and buy new ones. At least the old ones will still get used since the last trimester of this pregnancy will be in the winter months anyway.
I have had a lot of people ask me if I was more sick last time or this time. Honestly I'm not really sure. I think partly I don't remember because it was almost two years ago, and partly because I blocked it out haha. One thing that has been harder this time is that I feel bad for Lily. Last time if I was feeling sick I could lie down and nap or just veg on the couch. This time Lily suffers if I do that. So even though I think it's about the same sickness, last time I didn't take any nausea medicine and this time I have because it makes it easier to play and take care of my already born baby. One thing that has been better is I am still able to cook. Last time the majority of the pregnancy I was unable to cook, especially meat. But this time I have not had that issue and that has been very helpful.
This time I also seem to be craving more salty things than sugary. With Lily it was sugar all the way, which was weird for me because I generally am not a sugar person. I don't even like chocolate (Gasp! I know, I know). But Lily and Caleb sure do love their sweets. So maybe this baby will take after me and prefer salty things. I guess we will see!
I have already felt the baby "flutter" a few times. I know it is a little early, but I think since I already know what it feels like it is easier for me to detect. It does not happen often, but it's fun when it does.
Well, second trimester here I come! Thanks to everyone who read all my ramblings all the way through! :)
Story of Our Lives

Thursday, July 18, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Baby Girl's 1st Birthday
I can't believe my baby is 1! Where has the time gone?
The Saturday before her birthday we had a little party at the park for her. Lily's grandmas, grandpas, aunts, and uncles were all there (aside from Uncle Jamin who is in New Mexico on his mission) as well as some of her great-grandparents and Caleb's cousins. She LOVED being the center of attention and was definitely playing to the crowd with all of her silly faces. We were worried it was going to rain, but luckily the weather held out until after the party. Here are some pictures, mostly taken by Papa Don, of the fun day:
Caleb had to go out of town on a business trip the day after the party so he was gone for Lily's actual birthday, but Lily and I went down to Riverton to visit her grandparents while he was gone. We were able to go to lunch with my parents on her birthday as well as have dinner with all of Caleb's family that night. Lily is one very loved little girl and we're glad we got to spend her birthday with family.
A few days later we had her well baby visit. She is still just under 20 pounds and is 28 inches tall (we can say tall now instead of long because she can stand right?) So she's between the 25th and 30th percentile in her weight and height. Doctor says she's doing well, and there are no worries!
Lily still does not walk, but has started to cruise (walks while holding on to furniture or other things). But she says a lot of words and communicates with us better and better every day. She waves "hi" and "bye", shakes her head "no", plays patty-cake, as well as holds phones up to her head and says "hello". Unprompted she says: Daddy, Mom, hi, out, uh-oh, hot, ow, hey. There are many more words she can say when we ask her to.
We love this little girl so much and are so happy she's part of our small family. It's hard to remember what life was like without this ray of sunshine in it!
The Saturday before her birthday we had a little party at the park for her. Lily's grandmas, grandpas, aunts, and uncles were all there (aside from Uncle Jamin who is in New Mexico on his mission) as well as some of her great-grandparents and Caleb's cousins. She LOVED being the center of attention and was definitely playing to the crowd with all of her silly faces. We were worried it was going to rain, but luckily the weather held out until after the party. Here are some pictures, mostly taken by Papa Don, of the fun day:
Opening some of her presents
She almost liked the ribbon more than her gifts!
Some of her presents were bigger than her.
Here is a picture of everyone. (Except for Grandpa Lynn, he was taking the picture.) We were so glad to have so many people there!
Not sure about her cake.
She decided it was pretty yummy.
Especially when Daddy helped!
Caleb had to go out of town on a business trip the day after the party so he was gone for Lily's actual birthday, but Lily and I went down to Riverton to visit her grandparents while he was gone. We were able to go to lunch with my parents on her birthday as well as have dinner with all of Caleb's family that night. Lily is one very loved little girl and we're glad we got to spend her birthday with family.
A few days later we had her well baby visit. She is still just under 20 pounds and is 28 inches tall (we can say tall now instead of long because she can stand right?) So she's between the 25th and 30th percentile in her weight and height. Doctor says she's doing well, and there are no worries!
Lily still does not walk, but has started to cruise (walks while holding on to furniture or other things). But she says a lot of words and communicates with us better and better every day. She waves "hi" and "bye", shakes her head "no", plays patty-cake, as well as holds phones up to her head and says "hello". Unprompted she says: Daddy, Mom, hi, out, uh-oh, hot, ow, hey. There are many more words she can say when we ask her to.
We love this little girl so much and are so happy she's part of our small family. It's hard to remember what life was like without this ray of sunshine in it!
Monday, April 8, 2013
Update on our Lives
We have been SO busy lately! First we will do an update on Lily: She turned 11 months this weekend. 11 months!! I can't believe it! It's less than a month away until her birthday. I know it's cliche to say that it's going by so fast, but it is! And I always like to quote one of my favorite movies and say, "Things become cliches because they're true." So again, she is getting so big and it is going by so fast!
We love this sweet girl more and more everyday and are so glad she's part of our little family!
I pulled out some baby pictures of Caleb and I to do a little comparison between us and her. The older she gets the more I see Caleb in her as well as me.
- She has finally learned how to scoot/crawl forwards instead of backwards :) She follows me around while I'm cleaning and things, sometimes whining and crying at me because she wants to be picked up. Eventually she will learn that I can't carry her around all the time right?
- She is still just under 20 pounds, not sure how tall she is, but she sure is getting bigger. Caleb and I were commenting just the other day on how she's starting to look more like a toddler than a baby.
- She only has one tooth. The second one is so close to poking through. You can see the tooth, that's how thin the gums are that are covering it. Hopefully it will pop through soon!
- She is down to one bottle a day and I have a feeling it's on the way out as well. She is also transitioning over from formula in her sippy cups to milk.
- She loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, peas, and raspberries. As well as anything sweet, but we try not to give her too much of that.
- She loves books, and still has to sleep with Ginny her giraffe. She has also liked playing with balls lately. Surprisingly she also likes the grass. She loves being outside and rubbing her arms and legs all over in the grass. Silly girl.
We love this sweet girl more and more everyday and are so glad she's part of our little family!
I pulled out some baby pictures of Caleb and I to do a little comparison between us and her. The older she gets the more I see Caleb in her as well as me.
The left one is Lily and the right one is me.
The left one is Caleb and right one is Lily.
One thing is for sure she got Caleb's hair! I didn't have much. The question is: does she look more like me or like Caleb?
Also I have to show everyone her new "big girl jammies" that she was so excited about.
Also notice Caleb and done her hair in a mohawk after her bath.
But the biggest news and update is that we are getting a house! We are so excited to own our own place. We still have to have all of the inspections done and all of those things, but we have picked a house and are excited to finish the process. It's a very nice place for a good price and was only on the market for two days when we put in an offer, and we still had to compete with another couple for the house! We will keep everyone updated!
One last picture of Lily before I end this post!
Just because she's cute :)
Until next time!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Lily Update
I can't believe my baby girl is 8 months old already! Seems like just yesterday I was still pregnant. I'm sure she'll be married and moved out before I know it!
Here's just a few things that Lily has been up to the last few weeks:
We love this little girl so much and could not imagine our lives without her. We just wish she could stay so small and sweet forever ;)
Here's just a few things that Lily has been up to the last few weeks:
- She still loves bath time. It is her favorite time of the day! I still haven't figured out if she likes the bath part (she definitely does with all the splashing and laughing that goes on) or if she is just tired and likes knowing that it will soon be bedtime more.
- She is finally sitting up! She refused to sit up before two weeks ago. I kept telling everyone that I knew she could do it and that she was strong enough, she was just being stubborn and not wanting to. Sure enough right after Christmas she decided it was fun and hasn't stopped since. She can sit up for hours without falling over.
- She has had some issues with reflux that seem to be getting worse. It seems her medicine will work for a few weeks and then we have to change things around and up her dose because she starts spitting up again (and by spitting up I mean projectile, all over the place, spitting up). I have also changed her formula a few times and it seems we might have found a winner, but we shall see. I think that every time and then she starts majorly spitting up again.
- She has started to pick food up with her fingers and stick it in her mouth all on her own. She also drinks out of her sippy cup by herself. She always gives me a big smile when she does it, I think she loves feeling like a big girl.
- She has started to push up on her hands and knees when on her belly, she is figuring out that she might actually be able to get that cord she is eyeing. Between scooting and rolling she is definitely mobile. She may not move fast, but she can get to something if she wants. I found that out twice this week with the clean laundry and the cord on the playstation. I am going to have to start watching her much more closely when I set her on the floor!
- She is still sleeping through the night wonderfully and still takes her naps, as long as we don't mess with her schedule she is a very happy girl!
Opening Christmas presents and eating a Christmas sugar cookie
Playing peek-a-boo
Just being the happy cute girl she is!
Getting into stuff she's not supposed to
We love this little girl so much and could not imagine our lives without her. We just wish she could stay so small and sweet forever ;)
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Happy Birthday Caleb!
Now Caleb's birthday is actually on Christmas, which is exactly a week from today, and we will be out of town visiting family. So I figured today would be a better day to write this post than to write it after we get back.
So this is a post dedicated to Caleb and I am going to tell you things about him that you may or may not already know :)
He will be turning 23 and is already married with a child, graduated from college, and has an amazing full-time job that actually has to do with his major and has benefits to boot. He is a go-getter if there ever was one! He loves his video games, he especially loves playing with his cousin Bryan. He will also play Harry Potter Legos with me, although that definitely isn't his style of video game. His dad is his hero. He likes talking to him about business and politics, and all those things that I find boring :) He wants his advice and really takes it to heart. He would rather eat chocolate, or soda, or any other sort of junk food than anything healthy. When we got married he refused to eat any kind of vegetable. He now has a few that if I cook them a certain way he will eat them, but I still don't think he enjoys them. He has to turn the water on full blast when he brushes his teeth. I have never been able to figure that one out, but it makes me laugh every time I hear the water going on full and I know he's in there brushing his teeth. He is a big teaser, and very sarcastic. Sometimes when we are in public I feel I have to explain that he is just kidding so people don't think he's serious. He LOVES our little girl, and she loves him back. She gets so excited when he comes home from work. He is such as amazing husband, he helps me so much. He always gets the baby in the morning, before she was sleeping through the night he always got up and fed her. And the thing I really appreciate is him not expecting the dishes or laundry to be done, or dinner to be on the table when he gets home from work. If something isn't done he'll come in and help me finish it, even though he's been at work all day. Lily and I are so blessed to have such a great man in our lives! We love him so much!
So this is a post dedicated to Caleb and I am going to tell you things about him that you may or may not already know :)
He will be turning 23 and is already married with a child, graduated from college, and has an amazing full-time job that actually has to do with his major and has benefits to boot. He is a go-getter if there ever was one! He loves his video games, he especially loves playing with his cousin Bryan. He will also play Harry Potter Legos with me, although that definitely isn't his style of video game. His dad is his hero. He likes talking to him about business and politics, and all those things that I find boring :) He wants his advice and really takes it to heart. He would rather eat chocolate, or soda, or any other sort of junk food than anything healthy. When we got married he refused to eat any kind of vegetable. He now has a few that if I cook them a certain way he will eat them, but I still don't think he enjoys them. He has to turn the water on full blast when he brushes his teeth. I have never been able to figure that one out, but it makes me laugh every time I hear the water going on full and I know he's in there brushing his teeth. He is a big teaser, and very sarcastic. Sometimes when we are in public I feel I have to explain that he is just kidding so people don't think he's serious. He LOVES our little girl, and she loves him back. She gets so excited when he comes home from work. He is such as amazing husband, he helps me so much. He always gets the baby in the morning, before she was sleeping through the night he always got up and fed her. And the thing I really appreciate is him not expecting the dishes or laundry to be done, or dinner to be on the table when he gets home from work. If something isn't done he'll come in and help me finish it, even though he's been at work all day. Lily and I are so blessed to have such a great man in our lives! We love him so much!
Happy Birthday Caleb!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Tomato Soup Recipe
For the past few months I have been able to cook more often, so I thought I'd share some of my recipes on here. Most of them I found on allrecipes.com (well actually the app on my phone/iPad) or in one if my recipe books, and then modified them. This one I am making again today, so I thought it should be my first.
I hope this soup turns out as yummy for you as it has for us!
Tomato Soup
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can chicken broth
1 can tomato sauce
1/2 cup diced onion
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 tablespoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 tablespoon dried basil
2 cups heavy whipping cream
1. In a large pot combine tomatoes, tomato sauce, onion, chicken broth, sugar, butter, basil, and baking soda. Let simmer on stove for an hour.
2. Mix in heavy whipping cream, stir until heated through.
1. I put the onion (un-cut) and the diced tomatoes in the blender for a few seconds, I still want it to be slightly chunky, but not extremely. Then this way I don't have to cut the onion by hand.
2. Don't put a lid on the pot while the base is cooking, you might be tempted because sometimes it splatters, but you want it to boil out some of the liquid.
3. Make sure the whipping cream is the same temperature as the tomato base before you mix them together or else it will curdle. You can heat up the whipping cream on the stove, either with a double- boiler or constantly stirring it in another pot so it doesn't burn. Or you can make the tomato base before-hand and stick it in the fridge for later, then heat everything up at the same time in the same pot. I prefer the second one.
I hope this soup turns out as yummy for you as it has for us!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
What we did in September
This post is mostly going to be pictures about the things that we have been up to lately.
I have been able to try out some new recipes lately. Most of them I don't have pictures of, but they have been delicious for the most part.
I have been able to try out some new recipes lately. Most of them I don't have pictures of, but they have been delicious for the most part.
These are some orange rolls and some soup that I have recently made. All from scratch :)
Caleb received his diploma. Lily and I are very proud of our college graduate.
A beautiful picture of the canyon on our way to Salt Lake.
Lily can hold up her head so well!
Lily has started eating solid foods. She likes most things after a few bites, but she does not like peaches. Yuck!
I have made quite a few crafts lately. This is one of them.
I also made Lily's Halloween costume. She's not too sure about being dressed up, but Caleb and I think she is very cute!
Well hopefully I can get on here faster next time!
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